Saturday 8 February 2014

The Astral Plane (Dimension)

Dr. Fate in the Astral Plane
Dr. Fate in the Astral Plane
Debut - (not known)
Creator/s - (not known)
Aliases - Astral Dimension, Astral Realm, Spirit Realm.
Notable Characters - John Constantine, Dr. Fate, Captain Atom.
Other Notes - In order to access the Astral Plane you must be a telepath or possess telepathic or magical powers.
john constantineThe soul of John Constantine was once banished to the astral plane by the villain Swamp Thing. Constantine's body was then possessed by Swamp Thing's soul and he conceived a child with Abby Holland. The child's was named Tefe. Swamp Thing only temporarily possessed John's body, though, and eventually John's soul left the Astral Plane and reunited with his body.

captain atom vol.1 48
Captain Atom has a link with the Astral Plane which gives many powers including size manipulation and Astral Projection. Astral Projection is the act of leaving your physical body and interacting with the Astral Plane. In Captain Atom (vol.1) 48, Captain Atom leaves his physical body on earth in the care of his friends while his spirit ventures into the Astral Plane to meet with the soul of his dead wife. Unfortunately, he ends up in the realm of Nekron, lord of the Unliving. While trying to defeat Nekron, Captain Atom uses his powers but then realizes that in doing so, he is using power from the Astral Plane. This is draining the Astral Plane of its life force and instead, giving the power to the realm of the unliving. He was draining the lifeblood of the universe. 'Those connected to the Quantum Flow will feel it first -- next the old, the infirm... and, ultimately, the young!'. He then uses Nekron's power and gives it to the Astral Plane , defeating the Lord of the Unliving. While the Captain's body lays empty on earth, a dead man, Henry Yarrow, finds it and possesses it, gaining all of the Captain's powers. This was only temporary, though, and soon Captain Atom gained back his body and powers.

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