Saturday 15 March 2014

Bizarro World (Htrea) (Planet)

Bizarro World (Htrae)
Bizarro World (Htrae)

Debut - Action Comics vol.1 #263 (April, 1960)
Creator/s - Otto Binder, Wayne Boring
Species - The planet is populated with Bizarro clones of Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, Lois Lane, Lucy lane, Mr. Mxyztplk and Superman.
Space Sector - 4182
Galaxy - (not known)
Star System - (not known)
Heroes From This Planet - (none)
Villains From This Planet - Bizarro Superman
Attributes Of this Species - The entire species is confused and backwards and believe that everything should be the opposite to what it is on earth.
Attributes Of this Planet - Htrae is cube-shaped
bizarro code
The original Bizarro Superman was meant to be a perfect clone of superman but he was twisted mentally and was disowned by his creators. eventually he turned his back on Earth and went to create his own planet, Htrae, (Earth spelled backwards). He created more clones of himself and the people Superman was closest to and he populated his planet with them. On Htrae, there is a code which all inhabitants of the planet must follow.
Bizarro Lois, Bizarro Superman, and their sone, Bizarro Superman Junior
Bizarro Lois, Bizarro Superman, and Bizarro Junior

Mars (Ma'aleca'andra) (Planet)

Mars (Ma'aleca'andra)

Debut - All-American Comics #1 (April, 1939)
Creator/s - Carl H. Claudy, Stan Aschmeier
Species - The Burning, White Martians, Green Martians, Humans (formerly)
Space Sector - 2814
Galaxy - Milky Way
Star System - Sol
Heroes From This Planet - Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz), Miss Martian, (M'gan M'orz)
Villains From This Planet - (no specific villain) The Burning had plans to conquer other planets and were violent between themselves.
Attributes Of This Species (The Burning) - Wide range of Pyrokinetic Abilities, Asexual Reproductive System, Warlike tendencies,
Attributes Of This Species (White and Green Martians) - Shape shifting Abilities
Attributes Of This Planet - (none)
Other Notes - Mars is also known as The Red Planet, Fire Star, and Sol IV. The planet's official name is Ma'aleca'andra.

Green Martians
The planet was originally inhabited by a race known as The Burning. They were given this name because of their skilled power over fire. Because of their great power and warlike nature, the Guardians of the Universe defeated the entire race. The Guardians gave The Burning a strong fear and weakness of fire to ensure that they never returned to their past and they divided the race in two; White and Green Martians. It is thought that the Green Martians had some connection to the red-skinned humanoid shapeshifting race that inhabits Saturn's moon, Titan
J'onn J'onzz is a green Martian who was transported to earth I the mid-20th century. He would later learn the he had been transported not just through space, but also through time and that the entire Green Martian race had tragically become extinct centuries ago.
In the 21st century, humans began to colonise Mars. The zone that was first colonized is now called Nix Olympia and the area grew since it was first inhabited. The United Planets had been terraforming the planet and had transformed much of it from the barren wasteland it had been into and ideal living space for humans. At the time that the Great Disaster struck the planet, approximately one tenth of it was colonised by humans. The planet was later reformed but has not again been colonized.
Not much is known about the great disaster but from what is known we can tell that an EarthAD was decimated along with some other planets and Earths from alternate dimensions.

Saturday 8 February 2014

The Astral Plane (Dimension)

Dr. Fate in the Astral Plane
Dr. Fate in the Astral Plane
Debut - (not known)
Creator/s - (not known)
Aliases - Astral Dimension, Astral Realm, Spirit Realm.
Notable Characters - John Constantine, Dr. Fate, Captain Atom.
Other Notes - In order to access the Astral Plane you must be a telepath or possess telepathic or magical powers.
john constantineThe soul of John Constantine was once banished to the astral plane by the villain Swamp Thing. Constantine's body was then possessed by Swamp Thing's soul and he conceived a child with Abby Holland. The child's was named Tefe. Swamp Thing only temporarily possessed John's body, though, and eventually John's soul left the Astral Plane and reunited with his body.

captain atom vol.1 48
Captain Atom has a link with the Astral Plane which gives many powers including size manipulation and Astral Projection. Astral Projection is the act of leaving your physical body and interacting with the Astral Plane. In Captain Atom (vol.1) 48, Captain Atom leaves his physical body on earth in the care of his friends while his spirit ventures into the Astral Plane to meet with the soul of his dead wife. Unfortunately, he ends up in the realm of Nekron, lord of the Unliving. While trying to defeat Nekron, Captain Atom uses his powers but then realizes that in doing so, he is using power from the Astral Plane. This is draining the Astral Plane of its life force and instead, giving the power to the realm of the unliving. He was draining the lifeblood of the universe. 'Those connected to the Quantum Flow will feel it first -- next the old, the infirm... and, ultimately, the young!'. He then uses Nekron's power and gives it to the Astral Plane , defeating the Lord of the Unliving. While the Captain's body lays empty on earth, a dead man, Henry Yarrow, finds it and possesses it, gaining all of the Captain's powers. This was only temporary, though, and soon Captain Atom gained back his body and powers.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Fifth Dimension (Dimension)

Debut - ?
Creator/s - ?
Aliases - 5th Dimension
Notable Characters - Mr. Mxyztplk, Bat-Mite, Master Mxyztplk, Yz.
Other Notes - There are two separate fifth dimensions, one connected to earth two, and the other connected to earth one.

This dimension exists outside the laws of third-dimensional physics so the characters who live there have abilities that seem magical to the people of Earth. For instance, they are nigh-omnipotent in our universe/dimension but perfectly normal in their own, they have reality-warping powers and are immortal. The Imps and Genies of this dimension live on the planet Zrfff which is supposedly the Fifth Dimension counterpart of Earth.

Mr Mxyzptlk (Earth 2)
Yz aka Thunderbolt
Mr Mxyzptlk (Earth 1)


Saturday 4 January 2014

Quard (planet)

Debut - Green Lantern vol. 1 #2 - The Secret of the Golden Thunderbolts!; Riddle of the Frozen Ghost Town! (Oct, 1960)Creator/s - John Broome, Gil Kane, Joe Giella
Species - (none) Quard is the base of operations of the Yellow Lantern corps.
Space Sector - -1 (Antimatter/Quardian universe)
Galaxy - (not known)
Star System - (not known)
Heroes From This Planet - (none)
Villains From This Planet - Weaponers Of Quard, Thunderers Of Quard, Sinestro corps.
Attributes Of This Species - (none)
Attributes Of This Planet - The planet Quard is situated at the centre of the Antimatter Universe (much like Oa is located at the centre of the Positive-matter universe).

Okaara (planet)

Debut - The Omega Men #24 - Okaara! (Mar, 1985)
Creator/s - Marv Wolfman, Kevin O'Neil
Species -
Space Sector - 2828
Galaxy - Milky Way
Star System - Vega
Heroes From This Planet - (none)
Villains From This Planet - Agent Orange (Larfleeze)
Attributes Of This Species - (none known)
Attributes Of This Planet - (none known)
Other Notes - The aliens Starfire (Princess Koriand'r) and her siblings, Blackfire (Komand'r) and Darkfire (Ryand'r) from the nearby planet, Tamaran, were all trained in deadly combat here by the Warlords Of Okaara, this is part of a coming of age ritual on Tamaran.

The Okaaran natives were once a peaceful species until the villains known as the Psions captured an Okaaran named X'Hal and performed a series of scientific experiments on her.

Some time after the incident with X'Hal, thousands of years ago, Larfleeze and his gang of thieves travelled to the planet Okaara with a treasure map that the Maltusians named Krona had left. They had hoped to find a treasure Krona had hidden but instead they came across the Orange light of Avarice and it overwhelmed and consumed them. The light caused them to turn on each other and when their fighting ended, only one if them remained and that was Larfleeze and he became the keeper of the Orange Light.

The Guardians of the Universe made an agreement with the keeper of the Orange Light. For Larfleeze, this meant that he had to keep the light buried where no one could get to it and in exchange the Guardians would leave the entire Vega star system out of their jurisdiction and would be given back a container holding the Parallax which had been taken from them.

Mogo (planet)

Debut - Green Lantern #188 - Decent Exposure; Mogo Doesn't Socialize (May, 1985)
Creator/s - Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons
Species - An alien race once settled on Mogo's surface but this was without Mogo's consent and they eventually left. It is not know what race these aliens were.
Space Sector - 2261
Galaxy - variable
Star System - variable
Heroes Form This Planet - (none)
Villains From This Planet - (none)
Attributes Of This Species - (none)
Attributes Of This Planet - Ability to distribute Green Lantern rings to new recruits of the Green Lantern corps. Mogo has control over her gravitational pull, climatic conditions and can send holograms. she can also control all the plant life that exists on her surface, (she has created a ring around herself with trees and other foliage and illustrated it with the Green Lantern symbol). She can also move freely throughout the universe.
Other Notes - Mogo is a sentient planet who chooses to identify herself as female. John Stewart was forced to kill Mogo in Green Lantern Corps #60 - War of the Green Lanterns, Pt. 8. She was later re-born. During the Blackest Night storyline, Mogo was transformed into a Black Lantern. She has since been returned to normal.